
What Is The Difference Between The Different Remote Workforce Models?

What is the difference between the different remote workforce models?

Previously, the three different remote workforce models were discussed. Each of these models represents a different way in which a business can access a remote workforce, dependent on their business requirements, goals and objectives.

The characteristics of each model provide insight into their suitability for businesses considering a remote workforce, the different models and their characteristics are:

Model Characteristics
Freelancing –          Short term

–          One project at a time

–          Deal directly with the remote worker dealing with the project

–          Can use a platform like Freelancer/Upwork/Fiver

–          Very transactional

–          Not a strategic decision

Outsourcing –          Engage with an outsourcing provider to provide a service

–          No involvement in the recruitment process

–          No direct managerial control over remote workforce

–          Outsourcing provider retains full control over staff, even when project ends.

–          Project and schedule based – can be time critical or task driven

–          Not integrated into local workforce

–          Short to mid-term focus

–          Outcome-based

–          Reactive

Offshoring –          Offshore service provider assists to implement a fully integrated offshore team

–          Maintain direct managerial control

–          Direct involvement in recruitment activities

–          Organic growth of offshore team promoted

–          Long-term strategic decision to offshore specific functions (not just a project or task)

The above table provides a hit of insight into the characteristics of each model, it certainly is not exhaustive. The noticeable difference in each model targets the strategic objectives of any business considering a remote workforce. This is particularly relevant in terms of the time that a business is looking to invest in a remote workforce strategy.

As the table illustrates, the difference from basic freelancing to developing a fully integrated offshore workforce is a short term versus long-term approach. A business looking to offshore is looking towards the future and accessing a remote workforce that will grow as they grow and learn as they work with the business. On the other hand, an outsourced workforce may be a means to an end, delivering a project with time constraints or maybe even increasing capacity during a busy period.

The model used will reflect business goals and objectives.

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