
Which Remote Workforce Model Is Suited To My Business?

Previously, the different types of models were discussed, and the varying characteristics highlighted. The table referred to in that piece of content is below:

Model Characteristics
Freelancing –          Short term

–          One project at a time

–          Deal directly with the remote worker dealing with the project

–          Can use a platform like Freelancer/Upwork/Fiver

–          Very transactional

–          Not a strategic decision

Outsourcing –          Engage with an outsourcing provider to provide a service

–          No involvement in the recruitment process

–          No direct managerial control over remote workforce

–          Outsourcing provider retains full control over staff, even when project ends.

–          Project and schedule based – can be time critical or task driven

–          Not integrated into local workforce

–          Short to mid-term focus

–          Outcome-based

–          Reactive

Offshoring –          Offshore service provider assists to implement a fully integrated offshore team

–          Maintain direct managerial control

–          Direct involvement in recruitment activities

–          Organic growth of offshore team promoted

–          Long-term strategic decision to offshore specific functions (not just a project or task)

Determining which model will work for your business is quite a simple process and insight can be drawn from the characteristics in the table above.

The big questions that will streamline the decision-making process are:

  1. Is an offshore workforce a long-term strategy for my business?
  2. Do I want to completely offshore a role or function from my business?
  3. Is it a short-term/seasonal or one-off project?
  4. Do I want to retain managerial control of my offshore workforce?
  5. Do I want to be involved in the recruitment process?
  6. Do I want to grow my own team?

We’ll make this one short.

If you answer yes to more than two of the above questions (and answer no to question three) then the only model that will work for you is offshoring.

At a higher level strategic level, offshoring is a functional long-term decision aimed at redefining and distributing a workforce to take advantage of a multitude of benefits (cost savings, capacity, technical expertise). The other two options are more about a transactional based relationship with a remote workforce service provider or worker to deliver a project,

If you need a hand in choosing, let us know.

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